Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This morning I woke up full of hope and possibility. I came across a position with a local school district that I am certified to teach. The posting showed the employment positions were updated on the 11th and today we are the 12th. I asked my hubby to fax my resume and transcript to H.R and he called me to say it had just gone through. I called the H.R. department to verify that they had received it. After informing me they had, I was asked what position I was applying for. After telling the lady on the other end of nowhere, I was REJECTED! The position was filled. How can that be when their employment vacancies were just updated yesterday?
I was feeling low. Lower then the time I was chosen last for a baseball game back in grade school. By the afternoon though, my hope was restored. It rained today. Not a drizzle. Not a sprinkle. Actual rain. Hard rain. In an area with extreme drought, this was a welcome relief. This leads me to believe if God hears our prayers for rain, then I'm sure he hears the prayers of my friends, family, and myself for relief from my own personal drought. I have hope. Hope is what I cling to.
"The Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire." Isaiah 58:11

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