Friday, August 14, 2009

Mixed bag of nuts....

Today was one of those days. You get out of bed hopeful and full of life and then splat! It all goes haywire. No news from the job front. Faxed in a request to update my application with the local district. There's a job that seems promising. Did I mention that?
I spoke to an old friend of mine. We used to work together for this appliance company that robbed people blind and still does. Well, he had been a teacher before and left to pursue another life. He's lost his house and had to take a small apartment. Now the rent is being increased and he is having to move in with his sister. He's in his late 50's? He's selling all his possesions to survive until this school year gets under way and he can sub. My heart broke as he told me the story but he was so hopeful. He figured it was maybe God's way of trying to tell him something and that there was purpose to it all. I told him maybe God just wanted to get his attention and have him focus on God more. Maybe that's what God wants from me as well.
So it has been a bag of mixed nuts today. My family is driving me nuts. My search for a teaching job or at least a call back is driving me nuts. My husband is driving me nuts. Maybe I've already gone nuts and I'm just making everything up. Oh, nuts!

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